September Professional Development Meeting: TI WIN

On Thursday, September 26, TI Women’s Initiative Network (WIN) hosted Dallas SWE and TI WIN employees a discussion panel with TI managers focusing on managing burnout and the effects of how language shapes women’s careers. Over dinner, provided by TI,  panel speakers Adrienne Jaffe, Laura Mueller, Jennifer Barry, and Rekha Kumar, each spoke to her individual experiences in both the working world and lives outside of the office. It was an interactive and dynamic evening with many attendees asking questions ranging from how to balance a demanding schedule to conflict resolution. 

In a first for Dallas SWE, TI also generously hosted the meeting as a Webex so those unable to attend the event in person could still participate. Questions were taken from the chat, and the panel discussion was recorded for employees to be able to view at a later date. 

Along with all the speakers, Dallas SWE would also like to thank the coordinators inside TI for organizing this fantastic event: Rebecca Tom, Andi Sotirin, Rajani Manchukonda, and Tori Burkholder.